[Participants listening to an informative talk by Dr. Joachim Riedle from Wieland on energy efficient induction heating.]
The 2024 IWCC Technical Seminar took place in Milan between the 25th and 29th of February. The annual event once again brought together the copper semis industry, equipment suppliers and academics to discuss the latest developments and innovations in copper semis manufacturing processes, with the topic of the 2024 event being ‘Hot Deformation for Extruded and Flat Products.’ The event saw a record number of delegates participating from over 20 countries and 60 different companies, receiving 28 papers and participating in three plant visits.
The formal Seminar started with a presentation on the copper industry in Italy. The next two days heard a range of papers covering subjects including the energy efficiency and decarbonisation in heating processes, developments in hot rolling, and innovations in extrusion processes. This gave a comprehensive insight into technological advancements made in hot deformation processes in the copper industry in recent years.

After the two days of informative papers, the plant visit programme began. Delegates divided into two groups, with one group visiting Mino SpA in Alessandria and the other Eredi Gnutti Metalli in Brescia. All participants then travelled to Tuscany to overnight before visiting the KME rolling mill in Fornaci Di Barga. The plant visits gave delegates a great insight into the copper and brass semis industry in Italy.

[Participants at Mino SpA pictured outside the plant.]

[EGM brass rod plant.]

[IWCC members ready for their KME rolling mill tour.]
Networking is always an important part of IWCC events, and the seminar programme had plenty of chances for delegates to engage in less formal surroundings. The Seminar programme began on Sunday evening with a visit to the Azienda Enrico Crola winery, and a welcome reception tasting the produce of the vineyard, an Industry Dinner was held at Osteria del Trevo and an informal dinner was held at a traditional pizzeria in Milan. These presented the perfect opportunity for participants to meet or catch up with fellow IWCC members.
We would like to thank everybody who attended and supported this event. Planning for the 2025 Technical Seminar has already begun and we are very excited for what is to come. Watch this space for further announcements!