Responsible Sourcing

Responsible sourcing and production are expected to shape the metals industry in the years to come. The publication of the London Metal Exchange’s responsible sourcing requirements and the launch by the ICA of the Copper Mark are of particular relevance to the copper industry, with the IWCC participating on both projects.

Mark Loveitt, IWCC President, has been appointed to the board of The Copper Mark, a company based in the UK which has been established to administer the Copper Mark. For further information, see

The proliferation of responsible sourcing standards and programmes has led to industry concerns of possible duplication and confusion on requirements. The IWCC has met with key stakeholders and associations to understand these initiatives, as well as to encourage greater alignment and potential consolidation. IWCC Vice President, Mike Smith, has met with Eurometaux (the European non-ferrous metals association), International Tin Association, International Zinc Association, as well as participating in the ICMM Association Coordination Group.

IWCC/ICA Relations

This year will see increasing collaboration between the IWCC and ICA. The IWCC will be gathering fabricator opinion on ICA activities and delivering the fabricator view into ICA. To aid that process, a sub-group of the IWCC Executive Board has the responsibility of reviewing and signing-off fabricator opinion.

Furthermore, the membership of that sub-group has been boosted by including two senior fabricator representatives from the USA: Greg Christopher, Chairman & CEO of Mueller Industries Inc., and Rich Stinson, CEO of Southwire. The full list of members of the sub-group can be viewed here.